
Our Rochester, NY, spa offers dermaplaning, a cosmetic procedure that effectively refreshes dry and dull skin. This minimally invasive treatment involves the use of a medical-grade scalpel to exfoliate and remove the outermost layers of dead skin cells, as well as vellus hair, commonly referred to as peach fuzz. The procedure is performed on clean, dry skin in areas such as the cheeks, forehead, chin, and neck. To conclude the service, we apply aftercare in the form of serum, moisturizer, and SPF.

Dermaplaning is suitable for various skin types and addresses a range of skin concerns. It offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Stimulation of collagen production and improved blood circulation
  • Immediate enhancement of skin’s radiance
  • Smoother overall complexion
  • Reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Diminished visibility of hyperpigmentation marks, such as sun spots and age spots
  • Fewer acne breakouts
  • Improved skin tone and texture
  • Enhanced application of makeup
  • Increased absorption of topical facial products
  • Removal of vellus facial hair
  • Reduction in the appearance of acne scars or pitted skin.

By choosing dermaplaning, you can experience these benefits and achieve healthier, more vibrant skin.

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Our Aesthetic 'Dream Team'

One of the foundations of our success is the care we take to select qualified, talented, and caring people to provide services and care that exceed the expectations of our med spa clients. Each member of the spa team embodies the core values that DermaSpa is founded upon. They truly enjoy helping you to feel and look your best.

Meet the Dermaspa Team

People considering dermaplaning treatments come from Brighton, Irondequoit, and throughout the Rochester area to our practice because they trust our providers. To learn more about dermaplaning, you can request a complimentary consultation or call us at  (585) 272-0700 to schedule an appointment.
